Saturday, January 1, 2011

1/1/11-First Run of the New Year

Today I was feeling adventurous. I was tired of running the same 13 minutes of road everyday. So I decided to go for a longer run. I mapped it out as 4.26 miles. It involved rolling hills as well as one big hill that lasted for about a mile (those runners in westminster know it as the tahoma farm hill). Anyway, I covered this distance in 30 minutes and 43 seconds, giving me a very strong 7:12 mile pace. One thing I would like to comment on is that in all my years as a runner, I don't think I have ever run a 7:12 pace (comfortably) for any sort of distance run. Yet I have to say, this run felt comfortable. Sure I had cramps to work through but it wasn't unbearable at all. I feel like Vibrams allow you to have more use of your muscles then traditional footwear, it just seems easier to run in them. Also, I do notice that I have increased my foot turnover-meaning I take more steps. Now-how did my body deal with the longer run? Quite well if I do say so myself. It was a good day for a run so extreme cold/heat wasn't an issue. It was a painless (muscularly) run until about the 3rd-ish mile. I felt a tendon or ligament  on the inside/back of my calf/ankle acting up. However, it worked itself out in three or so minutes. Other then that my muscles and bones had nothing really to complain about. After the run I did notice a bit of tightness in my left calf and immediately after I stopped running I did feel a slight burning in my shins but it worked itself out by the time I walked upstairs to begin typing this. All in all this was a good run, I'll be posting the post-run analysis of how I feel in about an hour. If nothing gets injured in the next 2 weeks or so the vibrams are definitely going to be my new training shoe .
-the picture at the top is the hill I forced myself to run up

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